© 1998-2025 August Schmidhofer, University of Vienna (retired)
Claude Razanajao, Honorary Librarian, University Paul Valéry - Montpellier III

Mpilalao. Source: Revue de Madagascar

If in the opinion of Nietzsche "without music life would be a mistake", without collection of bibliographic references the documents on Malagasy music would partly remain unknown and inaccessible. The purpose of the "references on Malagasy music" is twofold: to make awareness of documentary resources and, to the extent possible, provide access to the referenced documents.

Published before 1900
After 1950
Malagasy music in printed and virtual press
Music printings, song and hymn books
Discs and CDs with scientific commentary
Multimedia and films
Museums keeping Malagasy musical instruments
Indian ocean
Pictures of Malagasy music
Sound documents
Links to Malagasy music
New references


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This compilation would never have been allowed to develop without the help of numerous colleagues who kindly sent us material and references. To all we would like to express our profound gratitude.

Please notify additions to August Schmidhofer or to Claude Razanajao.